ETL+ Command Line Interface

ETL+ Command Line Interface

ETL+ Version 2022.08

Syntax for Windows Shortcuts and command line interface to ETL+

<path>\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" x<<parameter-1>x<parameter-2> … <parameter-n>


  • Run an Entity’s Job as a service: x-e <entity-id> x-j <job-id>

  • Run an Entity’s Job showing the Load UI: -e <entity-id> x-ui Load x-j <job-id>

  • Show the Log UI for an entity: x-e <entity-id> x-ui Log


Run job number 2 from Entity 1_j_acu4a:

  • "C:\Program Files\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" -e 1_j_acu4a -j 2


ETL+ Version 2022.02 and Before

Syntax for Windows Shortcuts and command line interface to ETL+

“<path>\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" "<<entity-id>>" "0" "<RefreshBatchID>” [“<optional local logging>”]


  • "C:\Program Files\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" "mycorp" "0" "1"
    Runs Refresh Batch #1 for mycorp entity.

  • "C:\Program Files\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" "mycorp" "0" "2" "1"
    Runs Refresh Batch #2 for mycorp entity and starts local-disk logging before ETL+ connects to its metadata in the cloud. This can be helpful when debugging if ETL+ is not working at all (usually, a Windows security issue).

The syntax above is also used in ETL+ tasks created in Windows Task Scheduler (WTS).

Column ID on Refresh Batch page is referred to as RefreshBatchID in the syntax for the command line interface.



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