ETL+ Logging

ETL+ Logging

ETL+ Log Page

On the ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Page click ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Page Log to open this page.

Quick links

Quick links

ETL Log report

Table Stats log report

Configuring Logging

  1. ETL+ Log Name. ETL Log or Table Stats

  2. Rows Retrieved. Limits the number of log rows displayed.

  3. Refresh. Reloads the log rows. (F5)

  4. Log Type Selection: Select ETL Log or Table Stats.

  5. Close. Go back to the prior ETL+ page.

  6. Help. Click to open documentation for this ETL+ page in a web browser (shortcut F1)

  7. Version number: format: vYYYY.MM.DDBB.

  8. Log Records.

    • Columns See ETL Log Records.

      • Date Time: DateTime stamp for each log line. By default, the logs is listed by this column in descending order (latest lines at the top). Click the header to sort it desc/ascending.

  9. ETL+ User name and Entity for the current session.

ETL Log vs. Table Stats

ETL Log Records

  • Index. Serially assigned value depending upon sort order.

  • DateTime. Date-Time stamp for each log line. Default sort order.
    By default, the logs is listed by this column in descending order (latest lines at the top).
    Click the header to sort it desc/ascending.

  • Steps. Log description.

  • SourceError

  • RefreshID

  • ResultType. Log record type.

    • 0 = Job start log. Shows the job #, if applicable, for the entity. (“Job <n>”)

    • 1 = A task ETL+ executed. e.g. (“<name of target table> (<n> rows loaded)”)

    • 2 =The start of a Refresh Batch. (“REFRESH START”)

    • 3 = Total Refresh Time of an individual or set of ETL+ tasks.

    • 4 = Start of a Upload Now task.

  • RefreshRunID. Unique key serially assigned to each ETL+ job or task. The key groups together log records from a ETL+ action such as loading a single table or running a job.

  • Entity_Key. Internal key corresponding to a ETL+ Entity.

  • DeviceUserName. Concatenation of a server name

  • MachineUserName Only available for admin users. Identifies the Windows username running ETL+.

Table Stats

  • Index.

  • DTBegin. Date-time stamp process began.

  • TableName. Name of data warehouse table loaded (refreshed).

  • Seconds. Time in seconds to execute the process.

  • RowsLoaded.

  • LoadType. Load, Replace, Upsert, Append. See ETL+ Table Load Types

  • RowsBefore. Number of rows in TableName at DTBegin (before processing).

  • RowsDeleted. Number of rows in TableName deleted.

  • RowsKept. Number of rows in TableName not updated.

  • RowsUpdated. Number of rows in TableName upserted. (LoadType = Upsert)

    • Value = 0 when LoadType not Upsert.

  • RowsAfter. Number of rows in TableName after process complete.

  • RefreshRunID. Unique key serially assigned to each ETL+ job or task. The key identifies one or more ETL+ tasks executed as part of a ETL+ action such as loading a single table or running a job.

Configuring Logging
