ETL+ Source Types

An ETL+ source type defines the type of a data source or source system.

Source Type List

Please contact us to learn more about ways we can efficiently extract data from your sources.

Source Type Legend

  • Optimized Native Connection: ETL+ has built-in and optimized code to extract data directly from the data source. Without this, people might need to code APIs to get the data.

  • Optimized ODBC Connection: ETL+ has been fine-tuned to extract ODBC data from this data source. Without this, people might need to code APIs to get the data.

  • ODBC. Native Connection: WIP: ETL+ will use available ODBCs to extract data from the data source. Contact us if the ODBC fails to correctly render data.

Pricing & Cost Considerations

  • MS Excel and CSV are free of charge.

  • When required, it’s your responsibility to obtain rights to ODBC and other source license arrangements.

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