ETL+ Time Series

ETL+ Time Series


DataSelf Today table: 1 row with today's values.
Customizations NOT Recommended.
You might find this table under the zData Warehouse grouping on ETL page’s center panel.

_Date: Today’s date as datetime (ex.: 2022-04-03 00:00:00.000). This column depends on ETL+ Settings -> Report Date parameter (options: Today, Yesterday, Last Month’s End).
FP_NoInt2: This Fiscal Period as a 2-digit integer (ex: 4).
FP_NoChar2: This Fiscal Period as a char(2) (ex: ‘04').
FP_YYYYPP_NoInt6: This Fiscal Period with a YYYYPP value as a 6-digit integer (ex.: 202204).
FP_FYYYY-PP_Char10: This Fiscal Period with a ‘FY YYYY-PP’ value as a char(10) (ex.: ‘FY 2022-04'). ‘FY ' prefix only shows when first fiscal period is not Jan.
FQ_NoInt1: This Fiscal Quarter as a 1-digit integer (ex.: 2).
FQ_NoChar3: This Fiscal Qaurter as a char(3) (ex: ‘FQ2’).
FY_NoInt4: This Fiscal Year as a 4-digit integer (ex: 2022).
FY_NoChar4: This Fiscal Year as a char(4) (ex: ‘2022’).
FW_NoInt2: This Fiscal Week as a 2-digit integer (ex: 8).
FW_NoChar2: This Fiscal Week as a char(2) (ex: ‘08’).
CWDay_NameChar3: Today’s calendar week day as char(3) (ex: ‘Mon’).
FY_DayNo_Int3: Day of the fiscal year as a 3-digit integer. Ex: if fiscal year starts on Feb 1st and today is Jan 31, this column becomes 364. Useful for YTD calculations at the day level.


DataSelf Date table: 1 row per day.
Customizations NOT Recommended.
You might find this table under the zData Warehouse grouping on ETL page’s center panel.


DataSelf DatePeriod table: 1 row per period.
Customizations NOT Recommended.
You might find this table under the zData Warehouse grouping on ETL page’s center panel.


You might find this table under the zDateUntreated grouping on ETL page’s center panel.

DataSelf hosted data warehouse: This table comes pre-loaded to your data warehouse. It’s not listed on the ETL+ pages, but it’s available for data warehouse re-imports.

Your on-premises or private cloud data warehouse: You might find this table under the zData Warehouse grouping on ETL page’s center panel. Right-click this table on the center panel → Load Now. This downloads the DataSelf Excel template to your hard drive into the ETL+ folder\DS_SourceFiles Windows folder, and load its data to your data warehouse.

If you need to re-load this file’s data, you can change ETL+ source to import it directly from your locally downloaded Excel file.

If you don’t want to accidentally re-load this table, delete it from ETL+ center panel, but do NOT confirm “Delete the physical table?” prompt to keep the table static in the data warehouse.

Check out other helpful columns: This file has several additional columns that might be of value to your specific needs but that aren’t mapped in the time series tables above. Ex.: columns for fiscal week ‘FY 2022-W08’ and day number in a quarter.