ETL+ Data Source List

Comprehensive list of data sources supported by DataSelf.


List of 430+ No-code/Low-Code Supported Data Sources

DataSelf solutions allow no-code data extraction, transformation, and loading from hundreds of data sources. This makes extracting, maintaining, and analyzing their data easy and fast.

Other sources require low-coding or full-coding.

If your source is not listed below, please contact us to discuss other ways to extract your data, such as custom coding, API, JDBC, ADO.NET , OLE DB, export to CSV, etc.

If your source is not listed above, please contact us to discuss other ways to extract your data, such as custom coding, API, JDBC, ADO.NET, OLE DB, export to CSV, etc.


  • Many data sources, ODBCs, and extraction methods might require additional licensing costs. Some might require you to acquire the drivers directly from vendors such as Microsoft, Salesforce, CData,, and Devart. Please consult us and/or your data source providers.

  • It’s your responsibility to obtain rights to ODBC and other source license arrangements when required.

  • Some third-party sources above might not be compatible with your source system or are no longer available.



  • – connects data sources to ETL+.

  • – see the pages in this section




Keywords: source drivers, source types, data connections, databases, source type list.




source type, source types, source type, source types