DataSelf Knowledge Base

DataSelf ETL+ — Connects to diverse data sources and populates the data warehouse. ETL+ User Guide.

DataSelf Analytics — Ready-to-use Business Intelligence solutions for your ERP and CRM. Leverages the ETL+ engine to supply preconfigured templates with sophisticated insights for your business.

Tableau — Tableau for data querying and retrieval, report generation, and dashboard creation. IncludesTableau configuration, security, upgrade procedures, and technical tips for optimizing implementation.

KPIs, Reports & Dashboards — How to create Key Performance Indicators & Metrics that incorporate into reports and dashboards.

DataSelf Training – Class Notes and handouts
White belt | Green belt | Orange belt | Blue belt | Register for training 

Upgrading your ETL+ v2023.07

DataSelf Agent for scheduling ETL+ refresh jobs

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ERP, CRM, and other Data Sources

ERP, CRM, and other Data Sources

DataSelf for ERP, CRM and other business systems

Pre-configured templates listed by business system.


Data Sources supported by DataSelf.


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