ETL+ Source Objects Panel

Names and maintains connections to data sources. The Source Objects panel is one of three main panels of the ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) page.

ETL+ connects, reads, and extracts from a wide variety of data sources / source systems. Connections to these data sources are managed on the Source Objects panel.
Where to find this panel in ETL+.

………………………….Source Objects panel button toolbar. …(Part of the ETL page.)


  1. Add Table: Select a table under a data source and click Add Table.

  2. Add Source: Click to add a new data source object.
    More at ,

  3. Delete Source.
    Select a Source Object and click to delete.

  4. Refresh. Select a source object and click to update it’s metadata. (F5)
    Metadata is saved.

  5. Properties. Select a source object and click to change the settings.
    Similar to Add Data Source above.

  • Expand or collapse Source Objects with + or - next to the data source name.

Source Objects, Source Drivers, and Metadata.

For more see

zData Warehouse ( Default Data Warehouse )

zData Warehouse is the default, destination data warehouse. Read and write-back data to transform data already in the data ware. See also zData Warehouse (Reimports) in the Target Objects panel.

  • Used to created calculated fields, apply formulas, run SQL functions and make other data manipulations to the data warehouse.

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Where is this Page in ETL+?
