DRAFT ETL+ Load Replace - Suggested Logic

DRAFT ETL+ Load Replace - Suggested Logic

Step by step technical description of the ETL+ Load Replace process. Proposed logic for ETL+ Load Replace procedure

Load Replace Panel UI

<source field> >= <target T-SQL>

Variables used below.


  1. TargetRowCount = Obtain the number of rows in the <target-table>.
    Zero means the table has zero rows or the table has yet to be created in the DW.

  2. IF TargetRowCount = 0 AND Target T-SQL string begins with “MAX(“ THEN

    1. Run Load All

    2. End Load Replace process now.

  3. Evaluate Target T-SQL into SQLResults

    • T-SQL syntax: SELECT Target T-SQL FROM <target-table>

    • Save the results of the T-SQL SELECT statement into a variable namedSQLResults

  4. low-value variable. Determine the low-value for the date type of <source-table>.source field.
    Pseudo code
    low-value = Low_Value(Data_Type(<source-table>.source field))

    1. Data_Type – a function that returns the name of the datatype of the source field/row named in the parm.

      • The datatype for all source fields is shown on the Design page.

    2. Low_Value – a function that returns the lowest value for the datatype named in the parm.

      • For instance Low_Value(T-SQL_smallint) = -32,768

  5. IF SQLResults = NULL AND Target T-SQL NOT = “NULL”
    compare-value= low value for the data type of <source-table>.source field (left hand box)
    compare-value = SQLResults

  6. Filter and Extract Source Table into temp/staging table (pseudo query language)

    • Extract INTO staging-table ! pseudo query language
      FROM <source-table>
      WHERE <source-table>.source field >= compare-value

  7. Delete all rows in target T-SQL that meet the filter criteria

    • T-SQL: DELETE FROM target-table WHERE target-table.target T-SQL >= SQLResults

  8. Add/Insert records from staging-table into target-table.

    • T-SQL: INSERT FROM staging-table INTO target-table.


  • <source-table> – source table named in the ETL SQL Statement panel.

  • <target-table> – corresponding target table. The table currently selected in the Target Objects panel.


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Concept: Create a new, ETL+ only function called LOADMAX that can be used in place of the MAX function in Target T-SQL.

Replace step # 2 above with

2. IF TargetRowCount = 0 AND Target T-SQL string begins with “LOADMAX(“ THEN

Run Load All
End Load Replace process now.


Change “LOADMAX(" to "MAX(" in Target T-SQL string.