ETL+ Client Information Page

The Client Information (“Client Info”) page maintains information about ETL+ Entities and Users.

How to Open

  1. Click Settings on the

  1. Click Client Info on the Settings page.

Client Information Page

  1. Entity ID. Your unique Entity identifier in the DataSelf system. Assigned by DataSelf.

  2. Entity Name. The name of the entity.

  3. Users. User email(s) with access rights to this ETL+ entity.
    Corresponds to the Email prompt on the User Credentials page.
    For more about ETL+ credentials see .

  4. Send. Click Send to email product registration information to the listed Users' email addresses.

  5. Template. Internal ETL+ template name. Assigned by DataSelf.

  6. Template Code: Internal ETL+ template code. Assigned by DataSelf.

  7. Phone: Optional.

  8. Entity. The current Entity ID in the session. Related to call out #1 above.

NOTE: Client Information page for Administrators

Persons with administrator credentials to ETL+ have additional options such as Entity Email.

Email Addresses and ETL+ Credentials

  • Entity Email. Controls access to the ETL+ entity. The email addresses in Entity Email correspond to the Email prompt on the User Credentials page.

  • Users. Mirrors Entity Email for all ETL+ users.


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