Create Windows Environment Variables with PowerShell

How to create environment variables and assign values to them with PowerShell.

How to Setup a Environmental Variables

Create a persistent/permanent environmental variable for the current user only.

  1. Open PowerShell as an administrator. (See )

  2. Enter the following command:

    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Your_Environment_Variable_Here", "your_value_here", "User")

    • Replace 'Your_Environment_Variable_Here' with the appropriate variable name

    • Replace 'your_value_here' with the respective values for the variable.

 How to Display / Echo the Value of Environmental Variables

You can check if the environment variable was created with the echo command.

      echo $env:Your_Environment_Variable_Here


[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable Syntax

Scope of Environment Variable

  • User Scope: Applies to the current user only.

  • Machine Scope: Applies to all users on the machine.

  • Process Scope: Applies only to the current PowerShell process


# Setting a user-level persistent environment variable [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PersistentVar', 'Persistent Value', 'User') # Setting a machine-level persistent environment variable [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PersistentVar', 'Persistent Value', 'Machine')


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