Column Modified Mappings on Delta Refresh Tables [version uncertain]

Column Modified Mappings on Delta Refresh Tables [version uncertain]

Prompt: “Column mappings modified. The delta refresh needs one “Load All” data load to sync up OR manual adjustments to the physical table.
Force one “Load All” in the next load (manual or scheduled)?”

Yes: Changes are saved, ETL+ will foce a Load All in the next load (manual or scheduled) to sync up the column mappings changes to all rows, and then it resumes the delta refresh. To manually Load All, on the ETL main page, select the table and click Load All icon.

No: Changes are saved, and the user should manually adjust the physical data warehouse table to sync up with the ETL+ modified mappings (ex.: SQL ALTER TABLE). If this is not done, delta refreshes will fail. Other options to fix it: do a Load All on this table (see Yes section above), or delete the physical table (which makes ETL+ do one Load All automatically).

Cancel: Changes are discharged.

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