Unblock PowerShell Command

Unblock PowerShell Command



<# Unblocks all files in the same folder as this script. Uncomment the "-WhatIf" option to see what files would be unblocked without unblocking any files. #> clear-host write-host "Root folder of script: " $PSScriptRoot Unblock-File -path $PSScriptRoot\* -Verbose # -WhatIf Unblock-File -path $PSScriptRoot\*\* -Verbose # - unblock subfolders for testing Unblock-File -path $PSScriptRoot\*\*\* -Verbose Unblock-File -path $PSScriptRoot\*\*\*\* -Verbose # - unblock subfolders for testing Get-ExecutionPolicy -list Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -scope currentUser