ETL+ Command Line Interface

Older syntax for the command line interface for ETL+.

Syntax for Windows Shortcuts and command line interface to ETL+

“<path>\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe” -e <entity-id> -j <job-id>


How to find the folder path containing \DataSelf ETL Plus.exe

  1. Open the Settings page.

  2. Select the Log and Working File Folder button > Select ETL App Folder


The entity id is shown after the Entity label on the lower left hand corner of most ETL+ pages.

For this example the <entity-id> is “sample-entity" and the <job-id> is 3.


The job id is shown on the ID column of the Job page.


Based on the screenshot of the Job page above the command-line command / CMD command would be:

"C:\Program Files\DataSelf ETL Plus\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" -e sample_entity -j 3


Avoid using command-line parameters from prior versions of ETL+.
Prior versions had a -ui parameter that may cause problems with the current version.

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