New Data Warehouse Page

New Data Warehouse page. Opened from .

Caution: Changing the data warehouse settings may disconnect all downstream reports that read from the data warehouse.
Changes to this screen likely requires repointing/reconfiguring all reports, Tableau extracts, etc that rely on the data warehouse.


New Data Warehouse Page Options

Server name: IP, URL or MS SQL Server instance name. Example: (local).

Authentication: Authentication options:
Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Azure Active Directory

Login and Password: Depends on option selected for Authentication.


Database name: Name of the SQL database.

Multi-Tenant. Checkbox determines how data warehouses are hosted, user access, and influences how SQL schema’s in the data warehouse and Target Objects are named.

  • Data Warehouse Hosting

    • Non Multi-Tenant data warehouses: This is the default data warehouse’s MS SQL schema for this ETL+ entity.
      For instance, all tables will be loaded to the dbo SQL schema. You can configure Sources to have their own SQL schemas. Learn more at .

    • Multi-Tenant data warehouses: All tables will be loaded to a MS SQL schema = <ETL+ EntityID>.

  • Data Warehouse Access.

    • Multi-Tenant checkbox selected

      • Users will have access to all SQL schemas in the data warehouse.

      • Users can configure Sources to have their own SQL schemas.
        Learn more at ,

    • Multi-Tenant checkbox is clear.
      User access to the data warehouse schemas:

      • dbo.schemas: read only

      • <ETL+ EntityID> schemas: read and write. All tables are loaded into this SQL schema.

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