ETL+ Source Driver for Text Files (.CSV)

Creates and manages Source Objects that connect to CSV files. The CSV files can be on a local folder or on a web page.

Source Objects panel button toolbar. Part of the ETL page.

Add Source: New Text File (.csv) connection.

Properties: Maintain Text File connection.

Refresh: Update source Text File database metadata.

Text File Page

  • Back. Leave the page without saving or attempting to connect.

  • Connect. Connect to the Text File source. Same function as Refresh.


Change DataSource. Only shown when opened by Properties.

File Path can have a Windows path, URL to a web page or IP address.

  • .txt files are treated as .csv files.


The .csv files recognized by the driver are based on the File Path. In this example the File Path C:\Users\Public\ETL+ Beta\CWTests contains the files csv1.csv and csv2.csv.

Connecting to the csv1.csv file

csv1.csv file


Preview page


csv1 target table



How to Add Connections to .CSV Files

  1. Open the for the ETL+ entity to edit.

  2. Select Add Source > Text File

For more see the Text File Page section above.

How to Maintain Text File Connections

  1. Open the for the ETL+ entity to edit.

  2. Select a Text File based Source Object on the Source Objects panel.

  3. Select Properties

For more see the Text File Page section above.

CSV Data Format

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a simple and widely used file format for storing tabular data, such as spreadsheets and databases, in a plain text format. CSV files are commonly used to exchange data between different software applications, databases, and platforms due to their simplicity and ease of use.

Position in the ETL+ Interface