ETL+ Source Driver for OData

Creates and manages Source Objects that connect to OData files.


OData Page

  • Alias. The name for the source object shown on the Source Objects panel. Unless customized the name will be automatically generated based on OData feed(URL).

  • Schema: Controls the schema name assigned to the target tables in the Target Object panel.

    • When dimmed or unchecked, the SQL schema name is the EntityID. (The EntityID shown on the example above is sample_entity)

    • When checked, the schema name is based on the Alias.

  • Odata feed(URL). URL to the OData source system.

  • User and Password: Credentials with reading rights from OData.

  • Auth Scheme: Select the Basic option.

  • Extraction pages. Size of one page in rows. Number of rows extracted in one page or block. The default is 5,000.

    • Sometimes referred to as “pagination” or “OData pagination”.

    • See the notes below for more on how the Extraction pages and Pause work together.

  • Pause. Length of pause in milliseconds between pages. The default is 500.

  • Back. Leave the page without saving or attempting to connect.

  • Connect. Connect to the Odata source. Same function as Refresh.

  • Save. Save the configuration without attempting to connect.


Change DataSource. Only shown when opened by Properties.

NOTES: Extraction pages and Pause Settings

These parameters control how ETL+ queries data from OData in conjunction at the ETL+ level. 

ETL+ extract and load process

  1. ETL+ requests the first X rows of a table as specified in Extraction pages.

  2. ETL+ receives rows of data from OData and saves them to the ETL+.

  3. Assuming the OData table has more rows then
    ETL+ waits the milliseconds specified in Pause before requesting more data from OData.

  4. Repeat until all rows are loaded.

How to Add OData Connections

  1. Open the for the ETL+ entity to edit.

  2. Select Add Source > OData.

For more see the OData Page section above or

For more about preparing to connect to a OData source system see:

How to Maintain OData Connections

  1. Open the for the ETL+ entity to edit.

  2. Select a OData based Source Object on the Source Objects panel.

  3. Select Properties > OData

For more see the OData Page section above or or

Related Pages about Acumatica (OData)

  • – – a tutorial on extracting Acumatica tables with the OData driver into a data warehouse.

  • – How to construct the Odata Feed(URL).

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