zz_LoadOnce_Delete populates zData Warehouse (Reimports)

zz_LoadOnce_Delete contains pre-configured (OOTB) tables that populates the zData Warehouse (Reimports) database with tables including time series and GL tables.
Load once to create and populate zData Warehouse (Reimports) then Delete.

zData Warehouse (Reimports) contains static tables containing “time series” that are used internally.
For more see .

How to Create and Load zData Warehouse (Reimports) from zz_LoadOnce_Delete

  1. Select zz_LoadOnce_Delete from Target Objects panel of Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) page.

  2. Click Load All. (Load from zz_LoadOnce_Delete)

    1. Load page may open then close.

  3. Select zData Warehouse (Reimports) in Target Objects panel.

  4. Click Load All.

    • Each table should now contain data.

  5. Delete zz_LoadOnce_Delete

    1. Select zz_LoadOnce_Delete in Source Objects panel

    2. Delete Source

    3. Click Yes to 2 prompts.

    4. Click No in Delete confirmed? Delete the data warehouse physical table(s) as well?

  6. Click Save

zData Warehouse (Reimports) Target Object/Warehouse

zData Warehouse (Reimports) contains static tables containing “time series” that are used internally.

  • 4_Today

  • 5_Date

  • 6_DatePeriod

For more see

The zz_LoadOnce_Delete Source Object may not exist depending on which Entity you duplicate. If it does not exist, add it manually using the settings in the screenshot below.

zz_LoadOnce_Delete Manual Configuration

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