ETL+ Extract SQL Statement Panel

SQL statements in the Extract SQL Statement panel of ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) window must work with the SQL syntax supported by the ETL+ source driver used to connect to the Source Object.

The SQL statements and syntax used in the Extract SQL Statement panel must work with the SQL syntax supported by the ETL+ Source Driver used to connect to the associated Source Object.

Proper Usage of SQL in the Extract SQL Statement


SQL Syntax to Use with Various Source Drivers and Source Systems

Source Driver

SQL Syntax to Use

Source Driver

SQL Syntax to Use

Google Sheet




MS Access


MS Excel

MS SQL Server

Date and time data types and functions (Transact-SQL)

– this site


Closest related page:


Source database system/DBMS that ODBC connects to.



Sage 100 – ODBC Providex driver

Sage 100 PxPlus Reference Manual / Providex – Guide to finding SQL documentation in this reference manual.

  • – Link to the reference manual itself

  • – problems with dates



Text File (.csv)

Miscellaneous SQL Syntax Tips


SELECT [column1], 1 AS [column2], CONVERT(varchar(30), GETDATE() ) AS [column3] FROM [sourceTableName]

The CONVERT function is specific to T-SQL and is not part of the ANSI standard. Use CAST for non SQL Server data sources.

Comments in SQL

-- 1 as [someTable] comments out 1 line /* comments out everything until closing delimiter more comments more comments */

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