DSA AD Static Parameters

Each installation of DSA AD has one ‘static’ config file. It’s called ‘static’ because the settings are rarely if ever need to be changed. The file is formatted as a PowerShell script (.ps1) file.

The static config file is typically named: SParms0.ps1

#-------- Path to tabcmd.exe --------------------------------------------------- # File Path to DSA's tabcmd.exe file. # Example: [string] $TabCmdPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Tableau Server\Tableau\8.0\bin" [string] $global:static_TabCmdPath = "D:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\10.4\bin" ##------- DSA Server Login Info ------------------------------------------------ [string] $global:static_DSAServerDomain = "http://localhost:8000" ##-- http://localhost/views/1ADTestWorkbook/1ADTest#1 [string] $global:static_DSAServerUserName = "<tab-username>" [string] $global:static_DSAServerPassword = "<tab-password" [string] $global:static_DSAServerSite = "<tab-site>" # Use " " if no named Tableau site #------- DSA Cloud AD ONLY!!! CSV parameter file import parms -------------------- # File name of detailed parameter file -- must be a .csv file. # (The fully qualified file name will become: $DSABasePath + "\Settings\" + $CSVFileName) [string] $global:CSVFileName = "DSADist.csv" #--------- Email function parms ------------------------------- [string] $global:SMTPServer = "<smtp-email-domain>" # example: "Smtp.office365.com" [int] $global:SMTPPort = <port-number> # Typical: 587 [bool] $global:SMTPUseSSL = $true # $true or $false [string] $global:SMTPUser = "<smtp-username>" [string] $global:SMTPPassword = '<smtp-password>' [string] $global:defaultSubject = "Report for xxxx " [string] $global:EmailFrom = "<from-email-address>" [bool] $global:EmailBodyAsHTML = $false #------------ Run Status Report Recipient ------------------ # Recieves an email with a brief status report whenever DSA AD is run. # Value of parameter may be overridden with the optional parameter passed directly to the program at run time. # -- Separate two or more email addresses with semi-colons (example: ... = " firstaddress@acme.com; secondaddress@acme.com" ) [string] $global:DefaultRunStatusRecipientEmail = "cwilson@dataself.com"



HTML formatted emails can be sent. Ask about customized options.



Search keys: SParm, SParm.ps1, SParms, SParms.ps1