
The free trial is designed to be a self-service process so you can evaluate how DataSelf can add power, ease of use, and speed to insights into your decision-making processes.

CRITICAL: Because of data privacy, be sure that the users accessing your DataSelf trial have unrestricted access to your ERP/CRM data. For instance, your trial might include gross profit information or GL data. In a production deployment, security can be configured to control user access. Or let us know if you need some of your private data removed or not extracted (such as GL data).

Ordering the Free Trial

Contact your DataSelf seller, or click here to fill out the deployment form. You’ll receive instructions to complete the deployment of your DataSelf Analytics. The deployment usually requires from 30 mins to a few hours of your time to complete.

Free Trial Onboarding

The data-force is about to get much stronger with you!