Create an Acumatica User for DataSelf

Email with:
- Your Acumatica URL
- Acumatica Tenant(s) to extract data from
- An Acumatica user credentials:
   - You might use an existing user or create a new one. If you create a new one: name it dataself with email
   - Minimum roles: "Anonymous". For Acumatica v2020 R2 or newer: "OData v4"
   - Set up the password to never expire

Important: Depending on your Acumatica security setup, you might need to add/remove additional roles. For instance, restricting the user to access one branch data only. 

Recommended: Also add the following roles so DataSelf might be able to provide further support: Administrator, BI, Customizer, DashboardDesigner, ReportDesigner.

How to Create Users in Acumatica

Important: Only people properly trained in Acumatica should make changes to its settings. Please consult your Acumatica VAR for assistance. 

How to set up the DataSelf user in Acumatica: