1. Groups

You can create a group to combine related members in a field. For example, to create sales territories, or group customers that belong to the same parent company, or to correct data errors (e.g., combining CA, Calif., and California into one data point), or answering "what if" type questions ("What if we combined the East and West regions?).

Groups can be created inside of a workbook, at the data source level or as a Viewer. For an example, let’s create a group to combine salespeople into two territories:

Hands On Exercise

How to enhance Grouping with drill down features

Other features like Groups


The Set function is designed to be used in the Desktop App. But it does have some application in the Web App, primarily as a quick way to create filtered subsets of records.

i.e. to create a set of specific customers you want to track, highlight all of them and click on the icon to Create Set

A new Dimension will display in the Data Pane called Set1, which you can rename.
The Set dimension is a True/False calculation identifying records IN/OUT of the set.
You can use the Set as a filter to select only those records In or Out of the set.
You can show the filter to change your In/Out selection. And you can add the Set1 field as a row or column


Bins is a function of measure fields to group transaction records within ranges of amounts.
In the example below, the Sales measure was used to create a Sales Bin in groups of $100 increments.

In the example below, the Sales (bin) dimension groups the transaction records into groups of 0 - 100 and 101 - 200. The filter for the Sales (bin) is shown and only the 0.00 & 1,000.00 values are selected.

The most common way bins are used is in histograms to show line item sales in bin groupings. You can use the Show Me wizard for this. In the example below only the sales measure was highlighted when the Show Me wizard was selected. It suggested for one measure and automatically created a bin for that measure and a bar chart showing the transaction count of sales records per bin group.

Another use of Bins is to combine them with Sets and Table calculations. In the example below The Bin for 0-1000 was selected as a Set, The Set was used as a row dimension and a Quick Table Calculation for % of Total Sales shows what % was from transaction lines <= 1,000.

There are multiple ways to achieve this output. Bins is only one of the options.

2. Reporting Across Data Sources

Via Tableau Blends

Tableau blends are an easy and powerful way to combine measures from different data sources into a single report. These blends work as left joins. Meaning, the blend includes all records from the main source and only matching records from the other data sources. Data Blends have limited functionality because they only link a single aggregated amount. Multiple records will display an asterisk * instead of the actual values.
See the Tableau Help topic: Blend Your Data - Tableau

Let’s see an example taking the Sales and AR Aging workbook above and create a blend:

Hands-on Exercise

Add Open Sales Order Amt by Customer to the blended report above.

Via Dashboards

You can combine views from multiple data sources into a single dashboard. And then you can use fields that have the same name and function across the data sources to filter the dashboard.

For an example, let’s put together a dashboard showing FY 2022 Sales by Customer with a Salesperson filter, and then add an AR Aging by Customer report:

Hands-on Exercise

Add to the dashboard above an Open Sales Order Amt by Customer.

Other Methods

There are several other methods to report across data sources that are more powerful and more flexible than data blends, for instance:

3. Custom Views with pre-set filters and settings

There are times when it is helpful to have the filters, hierarchy, and other settings already set so a viewer does not need to figure out the combinations to get the data they need.
It’s also helpful when you set up viewer subscriptions to get an email of the view.

This can be accomplished with the Custom View feature, which is set up in View mode, not Edit mode.
The example below shows the default view of the Sales by Territory worksheet. Note the View setting says Original.

I want to set the filter for only 2022 sales for Western territory, and expand the hierarchy to show the sales people, and save that as a Custom View so any viewer can select it.

Enter the selections and settings.

Click on View: Original to view the dialog box.

Enter the view name and check if you want this view to be visible to others. Save the custom view.

To revert back to the Original View, click on the View icon and select Original (default)

Custom views are also useful when setting up subscriptions

Select the Custom View you want the subscriber to see before creating the subscription

Select This View to send the Custom view

Using the Data Guide to inform the viewer.

4. Dashboard Objects and Layout


The following objects provide helpful features in dashboards:


The dashboard Layout tab provides controls such as:

These controls usually provide better real dashboard estate usage as well as making them better looking. See the example in the Horizontal and Vertical Containers below for some inspiration.

Horizontal and Vertical Containers

Horizontal and Vertical containers provide more control of a dashboard layout such as defining the sizing of each widget, how to distribute the widgets (ex.: distribute sizes evenly or keep some with fixed sizes while others with variable sizes), and “pixel-perfect” layouts.

These containers can be a bit challenging to understand and use at first. Those of you who care about beautifully designed dashboards, you might want to invest your time to get a hang of containers.

Dashboard Layout and Containers Example

The following is the dashboard built at the end of the training part 3 with no special design refinements.

And the following is the same information using containers and layout adjustments. Note that three widgets (grid, sales bars and Var % circles) were combined and aligned to look like they are a single widget (inside of the gray border).

Please watch the YouTube below to view how to get from the first to the second dashboards above. Click the YouTube icon on the bottom right to view it bigger and even in full screen from YouTube’s page.